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  3. Modifications of theme
  4. Adding Custom CSS

Adding Custom CSS

To add your CSS changes safely you have 3 ways of doing this:

  1. Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS – this custom CSS field from the theme and will work only if you have our main or child theme activated. All CSS added here will be added at end of theme user.css file(located in wp-content/uploads/apollo13_framework_files/css).
  2. Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS – this is WordPress field that was added in version 4.7. Changes added here will be visible independent of theme that you use. CSS from here will be inlined on each page displayed on front-end.
  3. Using child theme style.css file – this will only work if you have activated the child theme.


Choose whatever you option you want, and you can insert there your custom CSS.

Order of CSS that is included in the theme

In this theme, default stylesheet is loaded from the main theme, and then you can overwrite CSS rules in style.css of child theme. After this comes user.css with changes set in Customizer. So finally it loads in this order:

  1. main theme style.css
  2. child theme style.css
  3. settings form Customizer user.css
  4. Custom CSS from Customizer panel(it is added at end of user.css)
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