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Checking Server Requirements

Different servers – different configurations

As there are thousands of server configuration out there, there is a chance that something may not be configured proper on your server. This can make theme to fail. This is specially true on some cheaper hostings.

If you installed theme already you can check how your servers works against theme requirements on Importer page or in Appearance → {Your Theme} Import & Info → Get Help(tab) → Scroll down to Theme requirements.

Checking Server/WordPress requirements on Importer page


Even if your server meets all theme requirements, there is still a chance that there could be conflict with plugin or different configuration setting. So if something is not working this is job for our support forum.

Theme Server/WordPress requirements:

  • PHP Version –  5.6.X at least as it is much better optimized then any older version. If you have possibility you can also switch to PHP 7.X branch – it is 2 times faster then 5.6 branch. If you need hosting with support for PHP 7.2 or newer checkout Kinsta – they have crazy fast hosting that always support fresh technology!
  • WordPress version – it is in your best interest to run newest WordPress version possible, as it always has newest security patches and features that we like to use in theme. We require WordPress 4.7 at least.
  • PHP Time limit(max_execution_time) – We recommend 60 seconds or more. If you face issues while importing demo data then give it even higher value(for importing time).
  • Max upload size(upload_max_size) – Many plugins asks for at least 32 MB, and its worth to increase it as well for your convenience.
    Instructions how to increase it http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-increase-the-maximum-file-upload-size-in-wordpress/
  • PHP Post max size(post_max_size) – Many plugins asks for at least 32 MB, and its worth to increase it as well for your convenience. It can be tweaked in PHP settings. If you don’t know how to do it, ask your server administrator about it.
  • WordPress Memory limit – most common source of issues, however can be easily tweaked in your wp-config.php as explained here https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP. We recommend at least 96 MB of memory for WordPress, but better give it 128 MB or more. Just drop this code: define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' ); to your wp-config.php.
  • File system method – Most hostings got it right, however from time to time we still hear from users that have issue with this.
    • When its value is different then direct then it is not problem on its own, but it will be pain in the ass for you, as server will ask you for FTP credentials on every occasion when theme will want to save some settings to files.
    • Depending what method of connection you will chose you will have to define some constants in wp-config.php. This is mostly important for demo data import process. Read more how to do it: WordPress Upgrade Constants.
    • Most common, when this happens, is using method ftpext or ftpsockets. Be sure you have defined proper values for FTP_USERFTP_PASS and FTP_HOST in wp-config.php file in such situation.
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